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"Tell me, I just forget
Show me, I only remember
Involve me, I will learn"

Kent Mehlberg, Education 351 Sec. 3, 11/24/08

Info/Instructional Design: Examples

Information design could be found everyday, everywhere around our life: Timetable for trains and buses, a well designed working diary, an invoice of a transaction, a mobile phone bill or even an ID card also makes people receive information efficiently and effectively.
In an education process with instructional design, the teacher encourages the students to participate in his teaching and learning. He may use different instructional resources to involve students in the class. Asking questions and expressing own opinions in the class are being encouraged. The teacher may allocate some participation mark as the reward to those self-motivated students.

Interactive Design: Great Web Examples

In the use of website, software, consumer products, the use of the process of feeling is a kind of interactive experience. With the networks and the development of new technologies, all kinds of new products becomes more and more interactive, and people are more and more emphasis on interactive experience.
Blog and Wikipedia are two early web products developed under the interactive technology. People not only can read on it, but also write and edit what they like.
At present, Facebook has overtaken MySpace. Since it has a magnificent friend search engine which is based on the six degrees of separation concept conducted by Stanley Milgram, the number of active users has exceeded 175 million. It allows every single person converge together as a huge interactive web community. 

Info/Instructional Design: Definition

Information design is the skill and practice of preparing information clearly so people can use it efficiently and effectively. It is about the process of defining, planning, and shaping of the contents of a message. Information design involves a multi-skills, it includes communication, combining skills from graphic design, technical and non-technical authoring, psychology, communication theory and cultural studies.
In general, Instructional design refers to the teaching system planning and design of teaching methods, which means to translate general principles of learning and instruction into plans for instructional materials and learning activities.

Web 2.0: Examples

For the description of Web 2.0 example, we usually introduce typical application cases, together with some explanation of Web 2.0 related technologies. These Web 2.0 technologies include: blog, RSS, encyclopedia, social networking, P2P, instant messaging, etc. 
"Blog are individuals or groups to a chronological order of the record, and constantly undated", such as Facebook, Space, etc.
At present, people think its Master in strengthening the network of exchange, document exchange, distributed computing and so promising. This technology usually applies on internet TV, and some download tools, such as PPStream, BitTorrent, Emule, etc.

Web 2.0: Definition

Web 2.0 has been one of hot internet concept since 2003. Through the network by simply Web 1.0 browser html page model to be more abundant, more contact, more Web 2.0 tools for the Internet model of Internet development has become a new trend of development.
Therefore, Web 1.0 is basically receiving information from internet, and web 2.0 as interactive internet function to create and build information. In a meanwhile, the application and use of Web 2.0 has brought people from internet information consumer to creator, and sharer.

Interactive Design: Definition

From the user  point of view, interactive design is a kind of technology which to make products easy to use, effective and pleasant people. 
From the designer point of view, it is also a pre-design process which a product designer makes analyze, prediction, definition, planning, toward its product users. It works at knowing the target users and their expectations, understanding the user behavior when interactive with the product.
Interaction design also involves a number of disciplines, as well as many areas of the background of many staff communication. Through the interactive design, it set up an organic relationship between products and users, so that designer can effectively achieve the objectives of end of users, and this is the purpose of interaction design as well.